JeffPo's Halloween 2005 Page

Last update:  10/31/05

For Halloween 2005, we carved our first jack-o-lanterns.  The kids were pretty excited about getting the pumpkins.  And of course we went out trick-or-treating.  It was a perfect night, with the planet Venus blazing in the west, and Mars blazing in the east.  We had a blast, and got a good haul of candy.  Here's a few images from our Halloween fun.

Here's Jonathan working on his pumpkin:


And here's what Jonathan's pumpkin looks like when lit:

Here's Victoria working on her pumpkin:


And here's what Victoria's pumpkin looks like when lit:

Family pumpkin carving time:

Let's go trick-or-treating:

 Victoria's costume (character from the movie "Scream"):


Jonathan's costume (red Ninja):

My costume (Grim Reaper):

Jack-o-lantern display on front porch:

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